Septa Unella continues to grill Margaery during her captivity in the Great Sept by reading aloud passages from The Seven-Pointed Star. The page of The Seven-Pointed Star that Septa Unella reads from to Margaery Tyrell. Olenna sarcastically asks how the gods communicate their will to him, by horse or messenger-raven, but the High Sparrow simply responds that it is through their holy text, The Seven-Pointed Star, and reminds her of the sections of the text prohibiting 'buggery and perjury'. He bluntly tells her that he serves the gods, and the gods demand justice.
When Loras and Margaery Tyrell are imprisoned by the Faith Militant, their grandmother Olenna comes to the Great Sept of Baelor to demand that the so-called High Sparrow (the new High Septon) release them. Melisandre, as a devout priestess in the religion of R'hllor, the Lord of Light, scoffs that it is filled with lies. Shireen mentions to Melisandre that she has read The Seven-Pointed Star.